Saturday, March 30, 2019

Amazon guidelines violation could land you with a suspension!

If you are a seller member of Amazon, you may be suspended for guidelines violation, do you know that? The same is applicable to a buyer member so you need to be careful about these rules and regulations that the website asks you to abide by while signing up. Amazon guidelines violation will land you in thick soup and you will have a tough time emerging from that. A suspension will lead to dire consequences like business loss for seller members and privilege loss for buyer members. 

There are many privileges that the website offers to its seller members such as allow its platform to launch their products and sell. Amazon fame is unprecedented and its popularity is unsurpassed, so you will lose the right to use such platform and eventually lose your business altogether because you will be no more visible in Amazon sellers pages. The biggest advantage with Amazon is that it has extraordinary customer base amounting to millions and you are given the opportunity expose your products or services to them. Where will you get such customer traffic? Amazon suspended account will not be able to exploit the customer source and eventually lose your business for good.

Only an Amazon seller appeal coined by expert counselors will get back your fortune. An Amazon suspension is not the end of the road for you because you still have a chance to clamp back to the website. What you need to do is to find the expert and ask him/her to give you back your status as a Amazon member. The Amazon expert will write a legally worded politely sentenced appeal to the authorities and plead for the suspension revocation. This usually works and the Amazon counselors know how to write those appeals and how to go about restoring suspended accounts. If you are a member of Amazon and your account has been suspended visit our website to revoke the suspension. We will get your account restored in 24 hours and the result is guaranteed. We will charge a fee for our services and if we fail it will be returned.


Amazon Account Protection Choose Us For The Best Service

  About us  We are a reliable company famous for the activation of suspension accounts. Many sellers are struggling with account suspensio...