Sunday, August 15, 2021

What is Amazon guidelines violation and how to avoid it?

Amazon lays certain guidelines when you register yourself as a seller member with the website. Like any other enterprise that partners individuals or firms for commerce, Amazon to sign an agreement with them and lay guidelines that they have to follow strictly. Amazon has huge following and it caters to millions of customers across the world and has its reputation and fame by sheer quality and variety. It offers an array of high end commodities at easily affordable prices thus has carved a niche among those millions. Amazon guidelines violation will warrant suspension of the member if you are one and have committed a violation for which you don’t have proper explanation you will be suspended in all likelihood. Not adhering and carrying out business ethics and codes properly will amount to major misdemeanor in the eyes of Amazon and you will be suspended forthwith.

If you have already been suspended the first thing you will do is to make plans to claw back your way to the e-commerce platform because consequences of not selling products on the website will be grave. Amazon offers a fantastic business platform where millions of people visit and buy items sold by the website and you are getting an audience without needing to generate publicity as it is already there. This is something you cannot have with other avenues because Amazon fame is unmatched by any other entity in the world. Antagonizing the giant will result in suspension and you will have to draw a reinstate amazon account strategy which will jell with Amazon.  Inexperienced people may not be able to plan a proper strategy and will have to opt for a third party service which has specialization in Amazon suspension revocation.

If you have a seller account which has been suspended and is at sea about how to approach the matter, you can consult Smart Seller Help, LLC, based in Latvia and operate from their website You can rest assured that you are in safe hands when you register your case with us as we have rescued thousands of members form Amazon suspension.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

What is an Amazon seller appeal and why will you need it?

An Amazon seller appeal is a letter written by a seller member to the Amazon administration in the event of his account have been suspended. It is an important letter the one that will decide the fate of the seller member whether he or she will be able to do business with the online giant and sell products or services. Amazon suspension is a serious business if it is a seller account because you won’t be able to sell your products on the e-commerce platform and they will not show your products in their catalogue. So the Amazon Seller Appeal letter  assumes crucial proportion here, as it is the only thread of hope that you could hang on to.

The appeal letter is written by experienced Amazon experts who have thousands of such cases under their belt and yours will be one more. Now why you will need the Amazon appeal? You will need it when you have been suspended for Amazon guidelines violation as it raises a question mark on the reputation of Amazon as a fair seller. Just because of your silly mistake the website will not stand and see its image tarnished so it in all probability will suspend your account when you commit such an offence. You may be suspended for delivering sub-standard quality product against a customer’s order or you could be suspended for sending some other product that has not been approved by Amazon for marketing. Your Amazon account suspension could materialize for umpteen reasons and it may also include not packing orders properly, not packing full order, charging more than quoted, or delivering orders late.

You will be required to write an appeal to the Amazon administration and you may not have the knowhow. This is where you will approach an Amazon expert who will write result oriented Amazon appeals and get your suspended account back and enable you to operate on the Amazon platform again. These are never failing services that will get your suspension revoked within 24 hours and get you back on the Amazon platform, so call Smart Sellers Help, LLC online and register your request on our website and we will take care of the rest.

Amazon Account Protection Choose Us For The Best Service

  About us  We are a reliable company famous for the activation of suspension accounts. Many sellers are struggling with account suspensio...