Thursday, October 18, 2018

Tips to Avoid Amazon Guidelines Violation and Avoid Suspension

Amazon lays down guidelines for members on how to behave when they use its services. Any violation on the part by members will eventually lead to suspension of account and the consequent stopping of privileges. Amazon account suspension will spell loss for members so it is necessary that they do everything to prevent it. Here are some tips that will help you to avoid Amazon guidelines violation

·         Read the fine print in the agreement thoroughly and follow it religiously

·         Do not misuse your privileges to gain more than permitted

·         If you are a seller account follow Amazon guidelines on how to deliver orders

·     Make sure that your commodities match the descriptions and standards advertised on the e-commerce platform 

·         Do not sell products other than you have agreed to advertise on Amazon. It is a gross violation 
of Amazon rules and your account could be permanently terminated from the site
Any correspondence with Amazon administration should be polite, courteously addressed and logically worded
·         The products or services you have agreed to sell on the platform must conform to the specifications publicized on the site, anything less than that will invite the wrath the commerce giant
·         Do not ignore Amazon mail in your mail box because they could contain warnings and show cause notices
·         Deliver your products or services in time to the customers are they will complain to the Amazon administration
·         If you receive mail from Amazon administration reply immediately and only quote the truth. Lying or changing directions can get you into deep trouble
·         Amazon takes its business seriously and view violation of rules as a gross misconduct from members. The site will go to any extent to see that erring members are weeded out of the system so it portrays a clean image and uphold its reputation. If you by any chance you become an obstacle they will not think twice before throwing you out. So avoid Amazon rules violation by all means and at all times.
These all tips will help you  to Amazon account suspension protection In case you are suspended due to Amazon guidelines violation contact our website  and we will help resolve the situation.

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