Monday, February 11, 2019

Amazon guidelines violation will land you in trouble and get your seller account suspended

Amazon being a big marketing platform has its own rules that it expects the members to follow to the hilt. Anyone violating the guidelines is likely to invite trouble from the administration. If you are a seller member of the website, Amazon guidelines violation will get you into deep trouble such as being banned by the site. Your products or services will not be advertised on the platform and you will be obliterated from the site of online shoppers resulting into heavy losses.

Suspended on amazon

Customer trust is built on the promises you make to the customers when you sell your products to them.  If you do not fulfill those promises your products or services are likely to be leading to complaints and consequent rejecting of the goods in the future. This would happen to Amazon and you, if you violate the rules chalked out by the commerce giant. With result, your membership will be suspended because reputation of the site is at risk. This will certainly warrant a suspension and your seller account will be no more exist.  You will lose money and face and therefore banned from the site further if not tendering apology and repenting your mistake from your side. To reinstateAmazon seller account you shall have to write an explanation on the violation and accordingly request the site to pardon your mistake for this one time.

Amazon account suspended
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If you are suspended on Amazon you know what the consequences are, so time to wake up and start doing some thinking. Your best avenue for restoring the account is to approach Amazon solution providers who know how to reinstate suspended accounts. The expert agency will thoroughly investigate your case and accordingly write a legal letter full of apology and a promise that you will never repeat the blunder again. In all probabilities the experts will get your account restored within a day or two but you will require paying a fee for the services. The fee will depend on how quickly you want the account restored. Have Amazon suspended your account? Send email to and we will get your seller account reinstated at once. To understand our terms visit our website

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