Wednesday, March 11, 2020

What will get your Amazon account suspended?

Your Amazon account could be suspended for several reasons and here we list some of them. The suspension won’t do any good but only bring loss and sorrow. If your Amazon account suspended by the administration you could find out the reason by reading the following:

  1.          You have violated Amazon guidelines and Amazon guidelines violation will invite the wrath of Amazon administration and the result will be a suspension
  2.          Not responding to Amazon correspondence in the mailbox is another reason your account will be suspended. You must read Amazon missives with the utmost care and respond accordingly, the people in the administration will get upset with you and decide to suspend you
  3.          If you have violated rules concerning your seller account such as sending inferior quality products to customers, the repercussion will be harsh. Amazon will reprimand you by sending warnings and it all probability you will ignore that as most members do. This lack from your side will be responsible for your trouble
  4.          If you could only respond to their warnings the suspension would have not taken in the first place
  5.         Using your account for illegal activities could get you in trouble and you should avoid it in all possibility
Amazon guidelines violation is a grave mistake because you have agreed to abide by the guidelines when you signed up with the site. You could land in trouble if the site decides to take legal action against you. In general violating agreement norms is not done in a world where cybercrime is rampant and laws are framing to tighten the noose around the neck of violators. Amazon is a great commerce website with maximum customer share in the world and it will not take insolent behavior from its members. the gravity of the situation would get worse if you are a seller member, so write Amazon seller appeal letter immediately using an expert service and get back to Amazon to prevent further damage. For expert advice and amazon account recovery appeal visit or send your details to

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