Monday, April 5, 2021

If you are suspended for Amazon guidelines violation, get help online

 Amazon as every big enterprise has its own business ethics and guidelines. This is applicable to the entire business and the people who are closely associated with them and any one deferring otherwise is liable for punishment. Amazon guidelines violation attracts punishment to its members and seller members are the most affected at such incidences. Seller is responsible for the quality of the products that Amazon sells on its platform. If there is any quality hiccups and customers complain about them then the seller is liable for punishment.

There are many counts on which a seller account can be suspended and it could be quality issue, wrong consignment, careless packing, tampered packing, unfulfilled consignment, late delivery and not complying to return policies etc. Amazon is primarily responsible to the customers when the goods are booked on the platform and delivered by Amazon delivery system. So at the end it is Amazon that will be left defending itself when customers’ complaint about the goods they have from its online store. Amazon is left with no alternative but admonishes its associates and fires him/her for irresponsible enterprising. If it suspends seller account, it is doom for the seller as the account will lose lots of revenue due to non-sale. If you are one of the seller members who have come to this predicament it is time for you to take steps to reactivate Amazon account, with the help of Amazon Experts.

 It is possible to revoke suspension from Amazon and the experts will do that for you. You will have to contact them and tell your tale and the events that had lead to your suspension. They will ask more questions and check the antecedents before coming to a conclusion on what they should be writing to Amazon. They will use all their legal acumen and experience to write the letter so Amazon does not answer in the negative. An Amazon suspended account is a dead channel as far as the seller member is concerned because it won’t be able to sell anything till the suspension is revoked. Depending on the case the suspension can be revoked or not revoked. If the motivation behind suspension is really grave then Amazon may not take the member back in to the fold. However with the Amazon experts at your side you cannot come to a conclusion any faster because there are chances of them doing it for you. if you are a suspended seller account contact us on our website or write a message to and we will help you get the suspension revoked.

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