Wednesday, May 12, 2021

What is Amazon account suspension and how it is revoked?

Amazon suspends its members when they don’t follow guidelines. The members may come from Prime Membership or Amazon Seller Account and for both the suspension will spell doom.  Amazon suspends member’s activity on the platform when they violate some of the guidelines laid out at the time of signing the membership contract. However not many people read the guidelines thoroughly and end up committing violations that are vitally damaging to Amazon’s reputation as well as theirs. Amazon being a giant among dwarves has a huge reputation to guard that the website has earned by sheer quality and service and a matching price that no other platforms offer. The Amazon administration cannot let someone from its flock tarnish the image by doing some silly mistake like not fulfilling promised made to customers at the time of accepting their product orders and order Amazon account suspension of the member.

What does it mean to the member?

It means that member is deprived of all the privileges that they used enjoy before and seller members cannot sell anything of their products on the platform. This means loss of money and reputation and with a future that is bleak and dark. While you are with Amazon you have the chance to show your product to millions while you are out of it no one is going to look at them. This is something that you will be deprived of and publicity is what gets customers motivated to buy your product. Such times need action from your side and instead of wasting time on pondering over why Amazon closed my account, you should take immediate measures to restore the account.

It will need an apt Amazon seller appeal written by experts who have prior experience with Amazon.  you will find them online and by visiting their website you will be able to contact them and entrusting them with the facts leading to suspension. You can expect your account back with you in one or two days or even less than 24 hours if you need that to be. To revoke Amazon suspension contact us, Smart Seller Help, LLC on the website and we will get it done within the above time frame.




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